Monday, August 2, 2010

Set Time Limits for Time-Wasters

Happy Monday! We’re back with another time-saving tip:

Set time limits for time-sucking activities like Facebook :), email, surfing the web and TV. And yes – this includes reading blogs, which I hate to say. Sure, there is a lot of valuable information out there (and even more not-so-valuable), but it can take hours out of your day if you try to view/read/absorb everything you want to. Focus on the activities and information sources you find most valuable and enjoyable and ditch the rest. I recently cut a few TV shows off the DVR that I realized were not improving my quality of life.

If you follow several blogs, I recommend using something like Google Reader to catch them all in one place for you – you’re less likely to get distracted by other links, etc. Also, if you get behind on reading, it’s ok to declare blog bankruptcy – mark all the accumulated posts as ‘read’ and start fresh with the new content – you can’t and don’t have to read and know everything!

It can also help to set a time limit – i.e. allow yourself 10 minutes to look at Facebook at lunch. You know how it goes - if you don’t set a limit, you could be sucked in for hours looking at pictures of a friend of a friend you don’t even know!

In addition to per session limits, having a set number of times for these activities helps too (i.e. only check your email 3 times per day). While you may think this isn’t realistic for your job, do what you can to set some limits so you can get other tasks done. If you don’t, you may find that you get to the end of the day and the only thing you can say you accomplished is email! One strategy is to tackle your toughest task for the day first, before you even open your email. Or try a 15 minute scan to catch the important stuff first thing, followed by completing a few key tasks. Then you can allow yourself a block of time (say 30 minutes) to respond to some of the less urgent messages.

Getting a handle on your electronic activities can be a great way to reclaim some valuable minutes, and for many people even hours, in your day. Try out these tips and let us know what you think!

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